With Expedia TAAP, travel agents can maximize their earnings with access to a wide range of quality travel products and a world class booking experience.
EXPEDIA TRAVEL AGENT AFFILIATE Grow your travel agency with Expedia TAAP Earn commissions and deliver exceptional customer service with a ready-built, end-to-end booking platform.Achieve scale and increase profitability Enjoy access to the Expedia Group's vast range of inventory, products, and ...
With Expedia TAAP, travel agents can maximize their earnings with access to a wide range of quality travel products and a world class booking experience.
Expedia扩展TAAP 全球布局 携手当地旅行社加速复苏 Expedia 集团宣布了新的举措和激励措施,旨在帮助旅行顾问从未来几个月潜在的出行需求中受益,包括将 Expedia Travel Agent Affiliate Program (TAAP) 扩展到新市场,特别促销活动以推动更多预订,并增加 Premium Plus 级别酒店的顾问市场推广费。
Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit:Through a new partnership with Expedia Travel Agent Affiliate Program (TAAP), independent travel agents in the TRAVELSAVERS network can now offer Expedia Group’s extensive supply and competitive rates to their clients. ...
Today Expedia TAAP (Travel Agent Affiliate Program) announces the expansion of its reward program into Canada and Mexico. Following a strong launch in the U.S. in 2022, this program incentivizes travel advisors with redeemable points for booking travel t
Give your customers easy access to savings on flights, hotels, cars and activities at top global destinations. Banners Easily customize and embed beautiful banners on your site to inspire your viewers to book their next adventure. Apply now and start earning ...
Expedia在泰国发布了其Travel Agent Affiliate Program (TAAP), 使得本地的旅行代理可以预订Expedia的全球产品库存,并获得佣金。TAAP目前在亚太地区有4000多家代理商用户。 技术平台投资和创新 Expedia一直采取多GDS策略,近日他们与Amadeus签署了多年的合作协议。Amadeus将为Expedia提供其票价搜索技术,Expedia还可以...
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Expedia TAAP: booking tools for travel retail agents Formed in 2008, Travel Agent Affiliate Program (TAAP) is an online booking platform for travel agents to sell Expedia products to their customers and earn commissions for that. Through Expedia TAAP travel agents can book the following services:...