比方说,expecto patronum(守护神咒)是哈利常用的咒语之一,在剧情里起到了非常重要的作用。它就不能单纯根据拉丁原义直译成“我等待一个保护”。 Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum, the spell that conjured up Harry's magnificent stag Patronus, roughly translates into "I expect (or await) a guard...
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比方说,expecto patronum(守护神咒)是哈利常用的咒语之一,在剧情里起到了非常重要的作用。它就不能单纯根据拉丁原义直译成“我等待一个保护”。 Expecto Patronum 呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum, the spell that conjured up Harry's magnificent stag Patronus, roughly translates into "I expect (or await) a guard...