constint&Medicine::getQuantity()const{returnthis->cantitate; } Medicine.getID()is incorrect.Medicineis the name of aclass, and you can't use the dot operator to access its members. First, you need aninstanceofMedicinewhose members you want to access; second, if you have apointerto that ...
Nu mai actualizăm cu regularitate acest conținut. Consultați secțiuneaCiclul de viață al produselor Microsoftpentru informații despre modul de susținere a acestui produs, a acestui serviciu, a acestei tehnologii sau a acestei interfețe API....
{ 'array': false, 'object': false }, 'AssignmentExpression': { 'array': false, 'object': false } }, { 'enforceForRenamedProperties': false }], 'require-jsdoc': ['error', { 'require': { 'FunctionDeclaration': true, 'MethodDefinition': true, 'ClassDeclaration': true } }], '...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<implements...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<implement...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<implements...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<impleme...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<impleme...
'<expression>' cannot be used as a type constraint '<filename>' cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly '<function>' is not declared '<functionname>' is not declared (Smart Device/Visual Basic Compiler Error) '<functionname>' is not declared (Visual Basic Error) '<implements...