针对你提出的问题“expected string or bytes-like object, got 'dict'”,我可以提供以下分析和解决方案: 1. 理解错误信息 错误信息 "expected string or bytes-like object, got 'dict'" 表明某个函数或操作期望接收一个字符串或字节类型的对象,但实际上收到了一个字典类型的对象。 2. 检查引发错误的代码行...
pdm sync#error Actual behavior STATUS: Resolving packages from lockfile... STATUS: Fetching hashesforresolved packages... Traceback (most recent call last): File"/opt/homebrew/bin/pdm", line 8,in<module>sys.exit(main()) ^^^ File"/opt/homebrew/Cellar/pdm/2.7.4/libexec/lib/python3.11/si...
E TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object -- https://github.com/panodata/grafana-wtf/actions/runs/8482124688/job/23240743427?pr=125#step:5:510 References Update to grafana-client 4.0.0 #125 Thoughts Maybe Niquests returns bytes, where Requests previously returned text? /cc @Ousret...
The TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object occurs when we pass an argument of a different type to a method that expects a string argument.
1、TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object 问题:使用BeautifulSoup解析网页,使用正则提取,提示报错 分析提示信息:expected string or bytes-like object 第62行传入值的类型应该为string或者object 打印传入的值:title的类型 OK,现在转换值的类型 运行成功。 2、TypeErr...syntax...
def load_image( infilename ) : img = Image.open( infilename ) img.load() data = np.asarray( img, dtype="string" ) return data export_dir = '.' with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess: model = tf.saved_model.loader.load(sess, ['serve'], export_dir) input_dict, output...