for a small salary forseveral months if necessary 试 用期内 我愿意薪水低一点 20 I worked by thehour Onehundred yuan per hour 我按时计酬 每小时100元 21 My present I pay is RMB 3 000 yuan each month 我现在月薪人民币3 000元 22 At present I get 2 000 yuan per month 目前 我每月工资...
英文面试:期望薪水篇expected salary 英文面试:期望薪水篇 Expected Salary 关于待遇问题,合理地进行“自我报价”有以下讲究:1.分析市场行情价格,可从亲朋好友那里或职业中间机构获取信息。2.分析市场需求状况,了解目前就业市场对这类人才是供不应求还是供过于求。3.个人的经验和能力将是薪酬定位的决定性因素。4....
英文面试:期望薪水篇expected salary 英文面试:期望薪水篇 Expected Salary 关于待遇问题,合理地进行“自我报价”有以下讲究:1.分析市场行情价格,可从亲朋好友那里或职业中间机构获取信息。2.分析市场需求状况,了解目前就业市场对这类人才是供不应求还是供过于求。3.个人的经验和能力将是薪酬定位的决定性因素。4....
(为劳动或服务所付的报酬,尤指按小时、天数、周或按工作量所付的薪 酬) salary raise 加薪 windfall 外快 annual pension 年薪 year-endbonus 年终奖 semi-annually 每半年一次的 bonus 奖金 premium 红利 overtime pay 加班费 punch theclock 打卡 time recorder 打卡机 sneak out 开溜 internship 实习 on ...
Cover letter with current and expected salary : Fast Online Help : Cover letter with current and expected salary - case study on automation of a library in uml The of cover letter with current and expected salary he helped invent is stronger than ever. We is the kind...
BNY Mellon determined, because Interns A and B had already graduated from college, that Interns A and B should be paid above the normal salary scale for BNY Mellon undergraduate interns but below the scale for postgraduate interns. Intern C w...
英文面试:期望薪水篇expected salary 英文面试:期望薪水篇 Expected Salary 关于待遇问题,合理地进行“自我报价”有以下讲究: 1.分析市场行情价格,可从亲朋好友那里或职业中间机构获取信息。 2.分析市场需求状况,了解目前就业市场对这类人才是供不应求还是供过于求。 3.个人的经验和能力将是薪酬定位的决定性因素。