“Research has also shown that gratitude or thankfulness can be increased as a function of interventions designed for other purposes. For example, meditation can promote gratitude as a quality of mindfulness (Shapiro, Schwartz, & Santerre, 2002), progressive muscle relaxation can help produce increas...
One particular example of the Markov chains for the ETAS model parameters is given in Supplementary Fig. 1. For the MCMC sampling of the ETAS parameters we used only events during the training time interval [T0, Te]. For the first sequence, we considered the following training time interval ...
Each year, we will be able to increase the sample size based on the decisions that teams make with respect to actual contracts. For example, by April we will be able to update the database with all of the 2015 contract seasons for players who were released during February and March (and...
This work was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany, FKZ:01EC1007C. The BMBF had no further role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, or approval of the...
(e.g. patients). Individuals have attributes which reflect different personal characteristics, for example age, gender, health status, risk factors or event history. Depending on the number and combinations of attributes the model determines the individual’s probability to experience an event. The ...
a composite of behavioral belief and outcome evaluation; to be more specific, it is the attitude forming after the conceptualization of an individual’s evaluation of a specific behavior, and it is usually considered as a function of the individual’s salient beliefs towards the behavioral outcome...
As an example, in the Collège de la Terre Saint in Coppet (Switzerland), the harvesting of daylight from a central atrium is hindered by obstructions given by a wrong positioning of stairwells and elevators. The Berthold Brecht School in Dresden (Germany) suffered from a strong reduction in...