前段时间开发了一个图像查找的功能,用了opencv(版本4.3),在本地都是可以正常编译运行的xcode 11.4.1,但是用jenkins打包的时候就会报错:error: expected namespace name using namespace cv,感觉意思是找不到命名空间cv。特别奇怪,本地都能正常运行,为什么打包就是出错呢,哪位大佬碰到过类似的问题求支招呀~~急!
usingnamespacestd; intmain() { intnum = 10; cout << num << endl; return0; } 在上述代码中,我们正确声明了变量num的类型,并在使用变量之前进行了初始化。因此,编译器不会报错。 总结: 在编写C++代码时,我们经常会遇到各种语法错误。当出现'expected primary-expression before ';' token'错误时,我们需...
函数的题目后面多加了“;”就会出现这个提示。是复制的时候把函数声明里面的“;”也复制上去。int add(int x,int y)的后面多了个分号,编译器当这是一条完整的声明,于是后面一块代码在函数外部出现就出错。include <iostream> using namespace std;int main (){ int add(int x,int y);int a...
include <iostream>#include <math.h>using namespace std;int main(){float a,b,c,x1,x2,delta;cin>>a>>b>>c;delta=b*b-4*a*c;if(delta<0)cout<<"方程没有实数根";else if(delta==0){x1=(-b+(float)sqrt(b*b-4.f*a*c))/(2.f*a);cout<<"方程存在两个相同的实数根:...
6.Wrong namespace. Expected 'com.pan.mapper.StoreMapper' but found 'com.pan.mapper.UserMapper' 问题详情: org.apache.ibatis.builder.Build
Describe the bug I`m trying to set a retention policy for namespace bin/pulsar-admin namespaces set-retention testtenant/testnamespace --size -1 --time 1m The main purpose is to save messages on topics even if there is no subscription. B...
WARNING:Unable to find the namespace URI. Reason: Start of root element expected. while installation Register Don't have aMy Oracle Support Communityaccount? Click here to get started.
Learn more about the NUnit.Framework.Api.ExpectedExceptionData.ExpectedExceptionName in the NUnit.Framework.Api namespace.
'<name>' is ambiguous in the namespace '<namespacename>' '<name>' is declared in project '<projectname1>', which is not referenced by project '<projectname2>' '<name>' is not a member of '<classname>' '<name>', necessary for compiling this construct, cannot be found '<name1>...