Hi guys! Can you pls help? I have an issue with Intellej Idea Gerrit plugin. When I try to connect to Gerrit I get: Login failure: Can't login to https://... .git com.google.gerrit.extensions.restapi.RestApiException: Expected JSON but g...
json 对象可能未定义:如果 json 对象在代码片段之前未定义或未正确导入,那么 json.stringify(...) 将引发另一个 ReferenceError。 错误消息的不完整性:错误消息 "expected ${json.stringify(versionfrompackagejson)} but got..." 在"got..." 后面缺少具体的值或占位符,这可能会使错误消息不够清晰。 给出修正...
I'm trying to update a list from an external site. I have the HTTP working but I get errors in the Parse JSON. I got a null error and used April Dunnam's solution to wrap the expected return type with a null option. But now I get an error tha...
执行抛出异常信息: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error from server at Expected mime type application/json but got text/plain 经过一番苦苦搜索,原因居然出在 solr-7.5.0/server/solr/${core}/conf/solrconfig.xml 该配置文件...
I am new to lua. A case, i was built a nginx + luajit +redis2. I was used json.lua and got follow errer message: 2021/02/07 08:42:02 [error] 37#37: *11 failed to run body_filter_by_lua*: /etc/nginx/redis.lua:238: bad argument #1 to 'rawg...
json()); app.use(serveStatic(`${process.cwd()}/client/`, { index: false })); app.use("/*", shopify.ensureInstalledOnShop(), async (_req, res, _next) => { return res .status(200) .set("Content-Type", "text/html") .send(readFileSync(`${process.cwd()}/client...
However, when generating schema using Parse Json, I am getting the above error, “Invalid Type, Expected string but got Null.’ The issue here is in the CSV input file, the flow is expecting of data type string, but got null values for some fields. The trick here is if the last row...
Compilation Error in JSON: Unexpected 'undefined' Instead of 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', or '[', Troubles encountered while editing a JSON file due to 'parse error on line 1' and the expected values 'STRING', 'NUMBER', or 'NULL', Re
The TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object occurs when we pass an argument of a different type to a method that expects a string argument.
只需将***Iterable list***替换为***var response***即可。var response = json.decode(response....