/private/tmp/hello/build.sbt:24:error:')'expected but eof found.lazyvalsub2=(project in file("sub2")^ expectation No error. notes The relevant place in sbt code ishttps://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/4b71de0098b1f28b3d8ec6fa93e87cc5c9d50809/main-actions/src/main/scala/sbt/compiler/Eval...
if not ADOQuery1.Eof then begin denglu.Visible:=false;sys.Visible:=true;end else //出错 end;if后有多句语句要用begin...end包括起来。
When I use the library in vite (which uses esbuild to minify the css), I get the following warnings: ▲ [WARNING] Expected ";" but found "}" [css-syntax-error] <stdin>:1:85: 1 │ ...components, utilities, important}@layer rgui.components{@layer b... │ ^ ╵ ; ▲ [WARNING...
在你代码的第一个try和倒数第二个end之间少一个finally或者except 因为在delphi中try..fially..end或者try..except..end是固定用法。你粗心大意了。
However, some kind of error always pops up, typically saying "Expected end of line, etc. but found ()." I can include my code here, so you guys can tell me how I can make this work. Here is what I wrote: set theText to "" display dialog "What do you want to Translate?" ...
'end'错误 分享6赞 c4droid吧 Tassadar2010 identifier expectedmain(){char a;printf("ENTER A CHAR\n");a=getchar();if ((a>='A'&&a<='Z'))||((a>='a'&&a<='z')){printf("IT IS A LETTER");}} 分享2赞 pascal吧 rEbanking 我是菜鸟,syntax error,";" expected but "else" found该...
be returned byselectOne(), but found: 2 描述 服务器遇到一个意外的情况,阻止它完成请求。 例外情况 java org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooMany...
RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu! (when checking argument for argument target in method wrapper_nll_loss_forward) 报这个错的原因在于,代码中的Tensor,一会在CPU中运行,一会在GPU中运行,所以最好是都放在同一个device中执...
,我们获取的错误信息是: peg$SyntaxError: Expected middle but "1" found. 上述这个 Expected middle 就是我们设置的可读的错误信息。...如果去掉 middle,那么就会报下面的错误: peg$SyntaxError: Expected "*" but "!" found...expression1 / expression2 / ... / expressionn // 表达式的 / 表示优先匹配...
error: Expected linebreaks to be ‘LF’ but found ‘CRLF’ 这就是eslint的报错了,可能是原作者用的事linux系统。 只需在eslintrc文件里面将 /*eslint linebreak-style: ["error", "unix"]*/ 改成 /*eslint linebreak-style: ["error", "windows"]*/(我用的是windows):... ...