expected number got char的错误原因是数据类型不一致。应该为number型,但oracle得到的是字符型。在使用nullif、coalesce函数的时候会出现这个错误。如:sql>select nullif(1, '1') form dual;sql>ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER CHAR got。
SQL##f - SqlState: S0022, ErrorCode: 904, ErrorMsg: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00904: "FORMAT": invalid identifier data: SQL SELECT * FROM apps.xxegc_qv_sales_history_v where INVOICEDATE > FORMAT('27/12/2017','DD/MM/YYYY') And also Maxkey is stored as number. 12,...
SYMPTOM: In MicroStrategy, users may find that running a report against an Oracle warehouse results in the error shown below when the report contains an object using the DaysBetween() function: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got DATE The object used in the report is define...
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR: 获取的目标类型与源类型不一致,多出现在case when 语句中,when的结果类型与源类型不一致的情况,如: case u.user_type_id when '1' then '经理' else '普通职员' 此时,user_type_id是number类型的,就会报此错误,将when后的 ‘1’ 改成 1 ...
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR: 获取的目标类型与源类型不一致,多出现在case when 语句中,when的结果类型与源类型不一致的情况,如: case u.user_type_id when '1' then '经理' else '普通职员' 此时,user_type_id是number类型的,就会报此错误,将when后的 ‘1’ 改成 1 ...
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECONDDavie Lin Ranch Hand Posts: 294 posted 14 years ago That's my error from SQL*PLUS ? 1 2 3 4 5 select l.tmc_stamp AS sign_in, r.tmc_stamp AS sign_out, ROUND((r.tmc_stamp - l.tmc_stamp) * 24) ...
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND Following error occurred during running of one query which having date calculation. Error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND SELECT
select DATE_FORMAT(u.hour,'%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00') as hour from unnest(sequence(cast(insert_from_timestamp as timestamp), cast(insert_to_timestamp as timestamp), interval '1' hour)) Error got: sqllineage.exceptions.SQLLineageException: An Identifier is expected, got Function[value: unnest...
某客户的.net小程序在通过.net驱动执行业务时,报YAS-04401 data type - expected, but BLOB got异常: 问题的风险及影响 影响客户正常的业务流程 问题影响的版本 所有的yashandb版本 问题发生原因 sql语句在解析(带绑定变量)或者直接执行(不带绑定变量)时,在where语句中使用了where blob\_col\_name = xxxx ...
sql: expected 0 arguments, got 1 针对oracle的正确写法是 select a from b where c=:param1 就是冒号:加参数名称这样的 我靠,用框架的话真不知道还有这些坑啊! 另外虽然说是golang支持变参传递,但是有参数的SQL和无参数的SQL调用的查询方法也得分开,例如 ...