We are not expecting an identifier. 👍 1 Contributor Author Thomasdezeeuw commented Mar 21, 2024 @jieyouxu @fmease thanks for the responses. Any chance we can reopen (or create another issue) to improve the diagnostic message though? Because I won't have guessed from the error message...
“Expected an identifier in anand instead saw a function invocation.”:“在赋值的语句中需要有一个,而不是一个方法的调用”, “Expected an identifier and instead saw ‘{a}’ (a reserved word).”:“需要有一个标识符,而不是’{a}’(保留字符)”, “Missing name in function declaration.”:“在...
The properties of an object literal must be an identifier, a string, or a number. An object literal (also called an "object initializer") consists of a comma-separated list of property:value pairs, all enclosed within brackets. For example:...
The properties of an object literal must be either an identifier or a string. An object literal (also called an "object initializer") consists of a comma-separated list of property:value pairs, all enclosed within brackets. For example:
Microsoftin tuotteiden elinkaarisivustostasaat lisätietoja tämän tuotteen, palvelun, teknologian tai ohjelmointirajapinnan tukemisesta.
"Unterminated string literal.": "未终止的字符串文本。", "Identifier expected.": "应为标识符。", "'{0}' expected.": "应为“{0}”。", "A file cannot have a reference to itself.": "文件不能引用自身。", "Trailing comma not allowed.": "不允许使用尾随逗号。", ...
= ',') return Error("Expected ')' or ',' in argument list"); getNextToken(); } }...= ')') return Error("expected ')'"); getNextToken(); // eat )...= tok_identifier) return ErrorP("Expected function name in prototype"); std::string FnName = IdentifierStr...= '(') ret...
'Global' must be followed by '.' and an identifier 'Global' not allowed in handles; local name expected 'Global' not allowed in this context; identifier expected 'GoSub' statements are no longer supported 'GoTo ' is not valid because '' is inside a 'For' or 'For Each' statement that...
'Global' must be followed by '.' and an identifier 'Global' not allowed in handles; local name expected 'Global' not allowed in this context; identifier expected 'GoSub' statements are no longer supported 'GoTo ' is not valid because '' is inside a 'For' or 'For Each' statement that...
'Global' must be followed by '.' and an identifier 'Global' not allowed in handles; local name expected 'Global' not allowed in this context; identifier expected 'GoSub' statements are no longer supported 'GoTo ' is not valid because '' is inside a 'For' or 'For Each' statement that...