期望失验理论(Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory) 所谓失验是指期望与绩效相比较所得的结果,更具体的说即是: *当实际绩效等于期望时,则无失验产生; *当实际绩效大于期望时,会产生正面的失验; *当实际绩效小与期望时,则产生负面的失验(Anderson, 1973)。
系统标签: atestofavailablefromimpactfactorcitationssundarrepec See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://.researchgate.net/publication/4816903 Outcome Satisfaction in Negotiation: A Test of Expectancy Disconfirmation Article in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Proc...
//seminar.utmspace.edu.my/jisri/ ISSN: 2289-1358 P a g e | 95 Review on “Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory” (EDT) Model in B2C E-Commerce Naeimeh Elkhani 1 e-mail: Saei_9900@yahoo.com Aryati Bakri 2 e-mail: Aryati@utm.my Author(s) Contact Details: 1, 2 Faculty of Computer ...
...心理感觉,根据Oliver(1997)的预期———不一致理论(Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory)所述,顾客满意度是顾客对购前预期 …www.cnki.com.cn|基于13个网页 2. 不确定性理论 8.期望-不确定性理论(Expectancy-disconfirmation theory):Oliver(1988)认为满意是由事前期望与事后绩效两个过程相比较之 …chiunghsinhsu...
The effect of newly adapted 'Disconfirmation of expectation's theory' and its integration with LIS SERVQAUL+model may aid the authorities of academic libraries in the synchronized assessment of service quality and satisfaction.doi:10.1080/10572317.2018.1496316Hossain, Muhammad Jaber...
(Nickerson et al.,2007; Zotti et al.,2016). Demand can furthermore hinder well-being through expectancy disconfirmation (Levitt et al.,1994). Similarly, dependency has also impaired well-being generally, including health and mastery (Bukhari et al.,2019; Roy & Chaudhuri,2008). Meanwhile, ...
Following this introduction, there are three areas of the literature that serve as a foundation of this study – the expectancy-disconfirmation theory, theoretical background on the customer’s pre-purchase information search process and deception – and will be briefly discussed in this section. Met...
Predicting satisfaction among first time visitors to a destination by using the expectancy disconfirmation theory One hundred and eighty-one first-time travellers from the USA to Spain were interviewed before and after their trip for the purpose of determining their pe... A Pizam,A Milman - 《Int...
(Loerinc et al., 2015;Springer et al., 2018). During exposure, patients experience a disconfirmation of their maladaptive beliefs, such as a confrontation with a feared object or situation in a safe setting. Despite some significant improvements in the procedural understandings of exposure therapy...
Asymmetry in the disconfirmation of expectations for natural yogurt Appetite (1999)View more references Cited by (224) Insects as food: Exploring cultural exposure and individual experience as determinants of acceptance 2015, Food Quality and Preference Citation Excerpt : The outcomes of this study show...