BEOWULF is welcomed by Hrothgar in the Danish King's Hall Heorot. In his address to the King, Beowulf shows that he is fully aware of the dangerous monster Grendel whom he is determined to fight: Wen' ic t he wille,gif he wealdan mot, in... Bammesberger,Alfred - 《Notes & Queries...
The core of every plugin use TitanEngine SDK from ReversingLabs under the hood, this help to the developer to write plugins very easy and very fast without the need to worry about some repetitive and boring functions like dump, fix the iat, add sections, etc. You can develop a plugin for...
GIF Short-Reality5373 What’s it called when you are attracted to someone who knows/speaks many languages. Well, that. Unexpected. GIF W3VR What really turns me on is moans. The idea of a woman being pleased soo much that it makes her make a sound is something I like, because it tel...