Expect scripting language is easy to learn. It expects specific string, and sends (or responds) strings accordingly. If you are new to expect, read our6 expect script examples(including hello world example) to get a jump start. This article explains the following in the expect scripting langua...
In case, if you have written the code without interact command, then the script would exit immediately after sending the string “23\r”. Interact command does the control, hands over the job to the addition process, and produces the expected result. 4. Match and No Match Contents in $exp...
/usr/bin/expect set timeout 20 set user [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] spawn su $user expect "Password:" send "$password\r"; interact godu@guserver:~$ ./su.exp chad mypwd spawn su chad Password: chad@guserver:/home/godu$ 参考:6 Expect Script Examples to Expect...
expect"hello"send"world" 这个地方纠结了好久,因为一直用的是expect.sh ,然后执行的时候也是sh expect.sh,后来仔细看文档才发现 Generally, expect script files has.expas extensions 这一句。执行的时候也是 expect expect1.exp 执行的时候,若输入的不是他期望的值,他会一直让你输 我的理解:如果输入的值和expe...
Examples of using Expect in shell scripts Below are some examples of using expect in Bash scripting: 1. “Hello World” The script below will expect a specific string, “hello”, in order to send “world” as a response. 2. Setting Timeout On Expect String ...
$ expect -D 1 script 1. “-D”选项左边的选项会在调试器启动以前被处理。然后,在调试器启动以后,剩下的命令才会被执行。 复制 $ expect -c 'set timeout 10' -D 1 -c 'set a 1' 1: set a 1 dbg1.0> 1. 2. 3. 5,逐行地执行expect脚本 ...
def__init__(self, maxread=None, script_subdirectory=None, server=None, server_tmpdir=None, logfile=None, ulimit=None):""" Create an instance of the Maple interpreter. EXAMPLES:: sage: maple == loads(dumps(maple)) True """__maple_iface_opts = ['screenwidth=infinity','errorcursor=false...
在下文中一共展示了expect类的7个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的TypeScript代码示例。 示例1: it ▲点赞 9▼ it('should throw if passed invalid store shape',()=>{ ...
Expect is a kind of automatic interactive language, can be achieved in the shell script for SCP and SSH to input password automatically. Here are SCP and SSH the use of examples: Expect是一种可以在shell脚本中帮助实现SCP和SSH自动输入口令的自动交互语言。
expect Command Examples 1. Execute an expect script from a file: # expect path/to/file 2. Execute a specified expect script: # expect -c "commands" 3. Enter an interactive REPL (use `exit` or Ctrl + D to exit): # expect -i