missing close-brace while executing "expect" couldn't read file "line": no such file or directory 第一个问题是shell不会像你想的那样解释嵌套的双引号。解决此问题的最简单方法是将Expect程序放在单引号中。只要Expect程序本身没有单引号,这就足够了。 您将遇到的下一个问题是,在单个 expect 命令中拥有所...
expect程序报extra characters after close-brace或extra characters after close-quote 可能原因 流程控制语句中的"{" 或者 "}" 之间需要空格,但是没有空格 spawn 执行语句的变量被引号引起来了,应去掉引号 参考博客 lepton126的CSDN博客
puts stderr "Usage:your arguments is error!" exit 1 } spawn ssh$user@$ip expect { "(yes/no)?" {send "yes\r";exp_continue} "password:" {send "$pass\r"} } ...略... 文中标红色的部分,在中间加入一个空格} {就能正常运行了,expect语法还是比较严谨的...
编写expect程序报extra characters after close-brace错误或extra characters after close-quote,解决 2019-06-12 11:48 −... TDXYBS 0 5774 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 2019-12-25 11:57 −3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 7205424Add to ListShare Given a ...
What I want is to use a variable for the file name/path. When I put in a variable instead of the absolute path, I get an error: "missing close-brace: possible unbalanced brace in comment while executing" This is weird because when I run the code with the fully qu...
Note that in the text of this man page, "Expect" with an uppercase "E" refers to the Expect program while "expect" with a lower-case "e" refers to the expect command within the Expect program.) close [-slave] [-onexec 0|1] [-i spawn_id] closes the connection to the current ...
exp_bg now handles -brace flag. Geoff Bullen <geoff@itx.nsg.com.xau> noted that interact put terminal into raw mode even if stdin was redirected. Rob Savoye provided more configure mods to better find Tcl/Tk. Fixed bug in wait that didn't close down "busied" fds. Kazuro ...
Or, alternatively, \"BSaD: Mission To Moscow\". Don\'t ask why. Or do ask why, but don\'t expect an answer. Or expect an answer, but brace yourself for bewilderment. And so forth.