EXPDP和IMPDP是服务端的工具程序,他们只能在ORACLE服务端使用,不能在客户端使用。 IMP只适用于EXP导出文件,不适用于EXPDP导出文件;IMPDP只适用于EXPDP导出文件,而不适用于EXP导出文件。 数据泵取只能在服务器端运行,客户端只能用来连接服务器启动导入导出操作 exp和expdp原理对比 exp/imp客户端程序,受网络,磁盘的影...
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLESPACE_01": scott/*** parallel=2 directory=zlm_pump dumpfile=scott01.dmp,scott02.dmp tablespaces=users Estimate in progress ...
Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options Starting "SCOTT"."SYS_EXPORT_TABLESPACE_01": scott/*** parallel=2 directory=zlm_pump dumpfile=scott01.dmp,scott02.dmp tablespaces=users Estimate in progress ...
Estimate in progress using BLOCKS method...Processing object type DATABASE_EXPORT/EARLY_OPTIONS/VIEW...
注意:遗憾的是,同exclude一样,Oracle自己例子中格式并不能执行,总是提示错误,是否是bug? include=:table" in ('myviews') " 1.2.15 JOB_NAME 格式: job_name=jobname_String 作用:用于设置随后的导出任务,例如当attach参数用于连接一个任务,或者使用dba_datapump_jobs,user_datapump_jobs试图的时候。这个任务名...
The Oracle data pump is the improved version of imp/exp funtion in Oracle. With the data pump you can move data and metadata from one database to another.Oracle Data Pump can be used in 2 different ways: - A command-line function: impdp and expdp. ...
Note:365459.1“Parallel Capabilities of Oracle Data Pump”. 数据泵参数:DUMPFILE…. Export Data Pump 参数:ESTIMATE…有关Export Data Pump 参数 ESTIMATE 的详细信息,另请参阅: Note.786165.1“Understanding the ESTIMATE and ESTIMATE_ONLY parameter in Export DataPump”. Export Data Pump 参数:FLASHBACK_SCN...
1、连接sys用户,给hr用户授于创建目录的权限 TEST@ocp>conn/assysdba Connected.SYS@orcl>show user;USERis"SYS"SYS@orcl>grant create any directory to hr;Grant succeeded.2、连接hr用户,创建备份目录 SYS@orcl>conn hr/hr@ocpConnected.HR@ocp>create directory hr_dumpas'/home/oracle/hrdump';Directory ...
oracle@linux-ejad:~> oerr ora 04063 04063, 00000, "%s has errors" // *Cause: Attempt to execute a stored procedure or use a view that has // errors. For stored procedures, the problem could be syntax errors // or references to other, non-existent procedures. For views, // the pro...
2019-12-04 09:27 −1.views_as_tables 导出将视图当做表导出 expdp hxl/oracle@ora12cpdb1 directory=pdb01_dumpdir dumpfile=vw_tb_test.dump views_as_tables=vw_tb_test 导入的时候会创建表v... slnngk 0 406 linux安装oracle 11gr2 2019-12-18 16:23 −本次实验oracle安装的环境为: CentOS ...