and at the end of a job before the master tableisdropped. Note that the Not Running stateisshown onlyinthe DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS view and the USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS view. Itisnever showninthe master table or returned by the GET_STATUS procedure. Itisimportant to note that a job can alsogetstucki...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2 to 19]: expdp failing with ORA-39094: Parallel execution not supported in this da
Data Pump is working optimally; the job is too small for the specified degree of parallelism. What happens if there is a large job and PARALLEL = 4? Can the Master Control Process automatically add more workers if they are needed? No, the PARALLEL parameter can only go up t...
,TDSC_EXPDP_06.DMPPARALLEL=6 logfile=impdp.log 使用EXPDP和IMPDP时应该注意的事项:EXP和IMP是客户端工具程序,它们既可以在客户端使用,也可以在服务端使用。EXPDP和IMPDP是服务端的工具程序,他们只能在ORACLE服务端使用,不能在客户端使用。注意:EXP不会导出空表(可能会对存储过程有影响) 设置oracle自动扩容命令: ...
In parallel mode, the status screen displays four working processes. (in default mode, only one process is visible) all work processes take out data synchronously and display their progress on the status screen. It is important to separate the input / output channels of the access data file ...