Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dumpfilespecification ORA-31641: unable to create dumpfile"/backup/hr.dmp" ORA-27054: NFSfilesystem where thefileis created or resides is not mounted with correct options Additional information: 3 Ad...
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dumpfilespecification ORA-31641: unable to create dumpfile"/backup/hr.dmp" ORA-27054: NFSfilesystem where thefileis created or resides is not mounted with correct options Additional information: 3 Ad...
Data Mining and Real Application Testing options ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dumpfilespecification ORA-31641: unable to create dumpfile"/backup/hr.dmp" ORA-27054: NFSfilesystem where thefileis created or resides is not mounted with correct options Additional information: 3 Ad...
ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39071: Value for INCLUDE is badly formed. ORA-00936: missing expression ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39071: Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed. ORA-00904: “DEPT”: invalid identifier ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39041: Filter “INCLUDE”...
ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39170: Schema expression '<NAME1>' does not correspond to any schemas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. CAUSE The problem is caused by the fact that the dot (".") in the schema name is parsed. The right escape sequ...
通过查询metalink id :387700.1 文档上说可能的问题有以下几种: a) The mount table (eg; /etc/mnttab) can be read to check the mount options ...
ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-39143: dump file "/u01/20161031/bjh02.dmp" may be an original export dump file 如果导出的数据库版本比导入的数据版本高,需要在导出时加上参数version=要导入的数据库版本。否则报错: ORA-39001: invalid argument value ...
ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39000: bad dump file specification ORA-39088: file name cannot contain a path specification 创建目标用户 createuserBI_BBS24_SITidentifiedby***accountunlock;grantconnect,dbatoBI_BBS24_SIT; 数据导入 --我的是迁移到另外一台服务器上,所以要先执行1步骤,创建目录...
ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39071: Value for EXCLUDE is badly formed. ORA-00904: “DEPT”: invalid identifier ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39041: Filter “INCLUDE” either identifies all object types or no object types. ...
ORA-39001: invalid argument value ORA-39038: Object path “USER” is not supported for TABLE jobs. 五、导出示例-->导出不包含sequence,表EMP,DEPT的其它所有对象 [oracle@orasrv scott]$ expdp scott/tiger directory=dump_scott dumpfile=fliter_1.dmp log=fliter_1.log schemas=scott \ > exclude=seq...