Ohla Living is a place of exploration, inspiration, and creativity. I write about lifestyle, expat life home, travel, family, tech, food and design. Life in Culebrón Life in Culebrón is a very British view of life in a small village in Alicante province, my experience of Spain, of ...
Living up a mountain in Southern Spain and blogging about it. www.bibsey.co.uk6 Route Words One girl's adventure of finding herself while getting lost in the world. - Tips, tricks and tales from living abroad. routewords.blogspot.com...
Expats living the good life in the Aude, Languedoc Roussillon We talk to Suzanne Sutton who left the UK for Languedoc Roussillon, southern France. She’s an agent for the award-winning Leggett Immobillier French Estate Agents ... Read More → A British snail farmer in France Mike Coll...
There is a French Cultural Insitute in Cape Town, the Alliance Française which organize many cultural events. Nizza in Southern France is one of the twin cities of Cape Town. Dutch people, Flemish expats and BelgiansAnd there are as well as many Dutch Flemish expatriates from the ...
the leaving process, including how much money the UK needs to pay the EU in order to leave, what will happen to other European citizens currently living in Britain, and to British citizens currently living in Europe, and how toavoid creating a hard border between Northern and Southern Ireland...
clichés which feed Westernstereotypesand serve as a lever for conspiracy against Russia,” he says. That’s why he eventually found himself in places where few tourists dare to travel - first inMurmansk, in the country’s north, and a bit later in the southern city of Makhachkala in...
For example, Paris has a faster pace of life than other French cities. People in southern France can be a little more open and welcoming than people in northern France. Accents can vary throughout the nation. And, in smaller places, levels of English aren’t as good as in bigger cities...
The sprawling Occitanie region in southern France includes the former regions of Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées, and is today France’s third-biggest region. It stretches from the Mediterranean coast in the east and borders the Pyrenees mountain range in the south. ...
Data collected by the Nigeria Security Tracker (NST) shows that Chinese nationals in the country have been victims of armed violence for a long time — as far back as 2012. Before this period, incidents involving Chinese establishmentsseemedto have been more frequent in southern Nigeria where oil...
During the event, Freddy Gahimbare from Burundi sang a song he created for Guangzhou titled "Stronger (Than This)". Gahimbare said that the food here was to his liking and he prefers sweet Cantonese mooncakes. At present, he is studying for a master's degree at Southern Medical ...