INTRODUCTION ENZYME (8) (/enzyme/) is a reposi- The Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB, http://www.isb- tory of information relative to the nomenclature of enzymes. is an academic not-for-profit foundation whose mission SWISS-MODEL Repository (9) (/ is to promote research...
Each protein is annotated according to Swiss-Prot standards [6], a protein knowledgebase known for its manual annotation, the usage of standardized nomenclature, links to more than 90 different specialized databases and minimal redundancy. Swiss-Prot can be accessed through more than 50 different we...
(SIB).Itprovidesaccesstoavariety ofdatabasesandanalyticaltoolsdedicatedtoproteins andproteomics.ExPASydatabasesincludeSWISS- PROT and TrEMBL, SWISS-2DPAGE, PROSITE, ENZYMEandtheSWISS-MODELrepository.Analysis toolsareavailableforspecifictasksrelevantto proteomics,similaritysearches,patternandprofile searches,post-...
enzyme nomenclature database 比較 和 過去三個月的全球排名趨勢,或深入分析 在特定類別或國家的排名,並與 進行對比。 同類排名生物學國家/地區排名全球排名 Created with Highcharts 10.3.3SepOctNov03,0336,066 ...