Use of semantic feature analysis in group discourse treatment for aphasia: Extension and expansiondoi:10.1080/02687038.2011.602390ConnectedspeechDiscourseLexicalretrievalStrokerehabilitationTherapyBackground: Semantic feature analysis (SFA) is a treatment for lexical retrieval impairment in which participants are ...
Use of semantic feature analysis in group discourse treatment for aphasia: Extension and expansionStroke rehabilitationLexical retrievalConnected speechDiscourseTherapyBackground: Semantic feature analysis (SFA) is a treatment for lexical retrieval impairment in which participants are cued to provide semantic ...
In order to provide greater comfort and less impairment of speech and oral hygiene practices, a 2-point palatal expander using Hyrax jackscrew with two arms (two mesial arms cut-off) and anchorage only in the first permanent molars was introduced as an alternative to Hyrax for the treatment ...
However, since it has no side effects, dental clinics that already use PBMT may find it useful for relieving pain in patients starting RME therapy. With regard to pharmacological pain management, in some included studies the use of analgesic and/or anti-inflammatory drugs during the observation ...