Well be killed. 你们一起去拦截并打击洛西南多号hearts; 确保完成任务 You will intercept and engage the Rocinante. Make sure it is done. 别动 - Dont even twitch. 你当初为什么要离开我 Why did you leave me? 离开是任何人的唯一选择 Walking away is the only choice anyone ever has. 她抛弃了...
According to Sanjrani, Earth is too busy fielding Marco’s asteroid attacks to focus on anything else, so the Free Navy should seize the opportunity to grow their food stores on Ceres. They mention Anderson Dawes, and we learn that Marco killed Dawes. Why doesJared Harrisdie in everything?
I wanna know why that reactor's offline. => 我想知道为什么这个反应堆离线。 Reactor wasn't killed by the blast. => 反应堆没有被炸死。 Someone went through the shutdown procedures. => 有人经历了关机程序。 So, if everyone's dead, who turned it off? Well, it wasn't pirates. => 那...
Carlos:Martians are tough hombres. When Alex’s son told him that he wanted to follow in his footsteps, man that just made me smile. As a father that means everything seeing your son want to be just like you. We all want that. Alex’s relationship with his wife may be on ice but ...
YouknowwhathappenswhensomeonegoesagainstMarco.We'llbekilled. 你们一起去拦截并打击洛西南多号♥确保完成仸务 YouwillinterceptandengagetheRocinante.Makesureitisdone. 别动 -Don'teventwitch. 你当初为什么要离开我 Whydidyouleaveme? 离开是仸何人的唯一选择 ...
off-the-beaten path unsurveilled sections of the station where Strickland took Mei would be a perfect hiding place for some secret mad scientist stuff. The bad news is that Mars has ordered a no-fly zone around Ganymede, which will make it difficult, if not impossible, for Alex to ...
YouknowwhathappenswhensomeonegoesagainstMarco.We'llbekilled. 你们一起去拦截并打击洛西南多号♥确保完成仸务 YouwillinterceptandengagetheRocinante.Makesureitisdone. 别动 -Don'teventwitch. 你当初为什么要离开我 Whydidyouleaveme? 离开是仸何人的唯一选择 ...