The verb expand means to make something bigger or wider. It might refer to something concrete, as when you blow into a balloon and make it expand, or something more abstract, as when you study to expand your mind.
As you'd expect, dictionary apps tell you a lot about a single word, like what it means, where it comes from, and how to use or pronounce it properly. But many of these apps also contain a thesaurus, as well as fun word games to expand your vocabulary. Plus, some can even be use...
build/develop/enrich/expand/improve vocabulary collocation: perform / expand its purchase of... crash <hampered> the company <to expand> Develop vocabulary and expand enlarge facilities v.s. expand facility? Enlarge/expand/increase the length?
Express yourself with a rainbow of words!Related Lessons Speak English Naturally: Master LIP & TEETH Sounds in English Emma’s TOP 15 STUDY TIPS Basic English Pronunciation – Simple vowel sounds Easy English Vocabulary: THING & STUFF How to pronounce regular -ED endings in English James ONE-M...
Most important and valuable words are added in the vocabulary to enhance the user’s English. This app also provides each word’ Synonyms, Antonyms, related One-word substitutions, unique Phrases, and Idioms & Phrases. Users can further improve their pronunciation with us. We usually add the wo...
In the long historical development of English vocabulary, there have appeared a large number of synonyms and synomorphemes. 在英语词汇漫长的历史演进中,形成了许许多多的同义词和同义词素。 24. 51kb This article give a full account of the approach to English words memorizing will help you to ...
a reliable and user-friendly dictionary app, has one for you.It provides instant access to a vast collection of definitions,synonyms and even works offline.Additionally,it provides daily word quizzes,articles and trending word lists to keep users engaged and expand...
One of the easiest ways to bolster your existing writing skills is to add new words to your written vocabulary. The English language is among the most voluminous of all languages, and this means that you’ll never run out of vocabulary words to learn and
class fail verb 3 fail an exam Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Taken from page 888 of the Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus ISBN 978 0 19 475200 8 · Education A Test your topic vocabulary The words and phrases below can all be found somewhere in the entries shown in the Topic Map...
Besides adding new words to your vocabulary, it's essential to master your grammar. This, too, can be done with the help of sites and apps.