The verb expand means to make something bigger or wider. It might refer to something concrete, as when you blow into a balloon and make it expand, or something more abstract, as when you study to expand your mind.
'expand' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): Forum discussions with the word(s) "expand" in the title: add to/expand my collection An idiom to mean: to accept / expand someone's statements in formal speech ...
Most important and valuable words are added in the vocabulary to enhance the user’s English. This app also provides each word’ Synonyms, Antonyms, related One-word substitutions, unique Phrases, and Idioms & Phrases. Users can further improve their pronunciation with us. We usually add the wo...
a reliable and user-friendly dictionary app, has one for you.It provides instant access to a vast collection of definitions,synonyms and even works offline.Additionally,it provides daily word quizzes,articles and trending word lists to keep users engaged and expand...
Learning is ceaseless. You can cultivate an erudite persona as an adolescent--or even as an octogenarian--by building your vocabulary. Creating habits to help you learn and use the most accurate words in your language will make it easier...