az disk list\--resource-groupmyResourceGroup \--query'[*].{Name:name,size:diskSizeGB,Tier:sku.tier}'\--outputtable 使用az disk update扩展所需磁盘。 以下示例将名为myDataDisk的托管磁盘扩展为200GB: Azure CLI复制 az disk update\--resource-groupmyResourceGroup \--namemyDataDisk \--size-gb2...
On Ubuntu 16.x and newer, the root partition of the OS disk and filesystems are automatically expanded to utilize all free contiguous space on the root disk by cloud-init, provided there's a small bit of free space for the resize operation. In this case, the sequence is simply Increase...
Azure CLI az vm start--resource-groupmyResourceGroup--namemyVM Expand a disk partition and filesystem Note While there are many tools that may be used for performing the partition resizing, the tools detailed in the remainder of this document are the same tools used by certain automated proces...
The following example deallocates the VM named myVM in the resource group named myResourceGroup: Azure CLI კოპირება az vm deallocate --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM Note The VM must be deallocated to expand the virtual hard disk. Stopping the VM with ...
On Ubuntu 16.x and newer, the root partition of the OS disk and filesystems are automatically expanded to utilize all free contiguous space on the root disk by cloud-init, provided there's a small bit of free space for the resize operation. In this case, the sequence is simply Increase...
Azure CLI复制 az disk update\--resource-groupmyResourceGroup \--namemyDataDisk \--size-gb200 备注 扩展托管磁盘时,更新的大小将向上舍入到最接近的托管磁盘大小。 有关可用托管磁盘大小和层的表,请参阅了解 Azure 磁盘存储计费。 使用az vm start启动 VM。 以下示例在名为 myResourceGroup 的资源组中启...
Azure CLI 复制 az disk update \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myDataDisk \ --size-gb 200 备注 扩展托管磁盘时,更新的大小将向上舍入到最接近的托管磁盘大小。 有关可用托管磁盘大小和层的表,请参阅了解Azure 磁盘存储计费。 使用az vm start 启动VM。 以下示例在名为 myResourceGroup...
The following example deallocates the VM named myVM in the resource group named myResourceGroup: Azure CLI Kopieren az vm deallocate --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM Hinweis The VM must be deallocated to expand the virtual hard disk. Stopping the VM with az vm stop doesn't ...
Azure CLI 複製 az disk update \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myDataDisk \ --size-gb 200 注意 當您擴充受控磁碟時,會將更新的大小向上調整為最接近的受控磁碟大小。 如需可用受控磁碟大小和層級的數據表,請參閱 瞭解Azure 磁碟記憶體計費。 使用az vm create 啟動VM。 下列範例會啟動...
Azure CLI 複製 az disk update \ --resource-group myResourceGroup \ --name myDataDisk \ --size-gb 200 備註 當您擴充受控磁碟時,會將更新的大小向上調整為最接近的受控磁碟大小。 如需可用受控磁碟大小和層級的數據表,請參閱 瞭解Azure 磁碟記憶體計費。 使用az vm create 啟動VM。 下列範例會啟動...