The `expand` command in Linux is used to convert tabs to spaces. It takes an input file as an argument and replaces any tab characters with the appropriate number of space characters. Here are some key points about the `expand` command in Linux: 1. Syntax: The basic syntax for the `e...
【linux命令讲解大全】064. Shell常用命令之exit和expand exit 概要 exit 命令用于退出当前的shell。主要用途执行 exit 可以使shell以指定的状态值退出。若不设置参数,则以最后一条命令的返回值作为 exit 的返回值退出。...EXIT 检查上一命令的退出码: ./ EXCODE=$?...if [ "$EXCODE" == "0...
【linux命令讲解大全】064. Shell常用命令之exit和expand exit 概要 exit 命令用于退出当前的shell。主要用途执行 exit 可以使shell以指定的状态值退出。若不设置参数,则以最后一条命令的返回值作为 exit 的返回值退出。...EXIT 检查上一命令的退出码: ./ EXCODE=$?...if [ "$EXCODE" == "0...
linux管线 image.png 在每个管线后面接的第一个数据必定是『命令』喔!而且这个命令必须要能够接受 standard input 的数据才行,这样的命令才可以是为『管线命令』,例如 less, more, head, tail 等都是可以接受 standard input 的管线命令啦。至于例如 ls, cp, mv 等就不是管线命令了!...
Command: cat department.txt Output : 1 QA 2 DEV 3 OPS On executing expand department.txt; the output is still same. I have verified that my file contains tab characters by using od -c. Can someone explain why expand is not working ? UPDATE: As muru pointed out in below comment; ...
[root@www ~]# xargs [-0epn] command 选项与参数: -0 :如果输入的 stdin 含有特殊字符,例如 `, \, 空格键等等字符时,这个 -0 参数 可以将他还原成一般字符。这个参数可以用于特殊状态喔! -e :这个是 EOF (end of file) 的意思。后面可以接一个字符串,当 xargs 分析到 这个字符串时,就会停止继续...
can v add 'n' of spaces by a single command? Hi All, I just need to check for 'tabs' in my input file and need to replace all tabs into 'n' no. of spaces. Say for example if I give NO_OF_SPACE=5, then it should replace all tabs with 5 spaces ### asdasdasd ...
The output of the following ls command shows that the device known as /dev/sdd within the Linux OS is located at LUN1 when looking in the Azure portal.Bash Copy sudo ls -alF /dev/disk/azure/scsi1/ Output Copy total 0 drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 140 Sep 9 21:54 ./ drwxr-xr-x...
The three input parameters can be easily parsed from the command line in case you want to make a small CLI utility for parsing other files in this manner. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Dec 26, 2019 at 4:38 rnorris 2,08222 gold badges2121 silver badges2424 bronze badges Ad...
# this is done from within the VM # # after this command, type ‘Fix’ at prompt to take advantage # of new space. parted -l # remove the buffering partition parted /dev/vdb rm 9 # expand partition holding zpool parted /dev/vdb resizepart 1 100% Import and expand the zpool ...