In[1]:= Out[1]= 一般情形和对数情况下在原点处的级数: In[1]:= Out[1]= In[2]:= Out[2]= 在Infinity的级数展开: In[1]:= Out[1]= 范围(42) 推广和延伸(2) 应用(5) 属性和关系(8) 可能存在的问题(3) 巧妙范例(1) 参见 ExpIntegralEiErfLogIntegralSinIntegralCosIntegral ...
我们可以使用exp_integral函数来计算指数函数的积分值。例如,我们可以计算e的积分值: import EXP result = EXP.exp_integral(0, 1) print(result) 1. 2. 3. 4. EXP包的类图 下面是EXP包的类图,展示了EXP包中的一些主要类和函数: EXP+exp(x)+exp_derivative(x)+exp_integral(a, b) EXP包的状态图 下...
I evaluated the integral numerically but Wolfram Alpha is able to solve special cases, see here or here using the exponential integral, Ei(x)=−∫∞−xe−uudu=∫x−∞euuduEi(x)=−∫−x∞e−uudu=∫−∞xeuudu. Any ideas how the above integral relates t...
There is an explicit expression for the value of this integral that does not rely on derivatives of hypergeometric indices. The idea is to simply use the definition of erfi and reverse the order of integration. The integral we want is then A=2π−−√∫10dt∫∞0dxe...
exp[1/(ab)] * Ei[-1/(ab) - x/b]/(ab)其中Ei[x] = ∫(-∞,x) e^t/t dt,是指数积分 Exponential Integral用级数展开就是γ + ln|x| + ∑[x^n/(n*n!)]结果一 题目 急求这个积分怎么解函数exp(-x/b)/[b*(1+ax)]从0到无穷的定积分也就是求∫(0,∞) e^(-x)/x dx 答案...
rational function of exp(x). The code has been enhanced to convert this integral to another form using the substitution x=log(y), which results in an integral that maxima knows how to handle. Closing this bug. Sorry, something went wrong. r...
Collect[\!\( \*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Integral]\), \(-1\), \(1\)]\( \*SubscriptBox[\(k\), \(m\ r\)]\ \(( \*FractionBox[\(1\), \(d\)] 4\ \((B[\[Zeta], \[Eta]]\ \(\*SubscriptBox[ SubscriptBox[\(f\), \(1\)], \(0\)]\)[\[Zeta] 分享18赞 铁血联盟吧...
exp_integral_e(x, 1.00000000000000) sage: exp_integral_e(3, 0) 1/2 TESTS: Check that Python ints work (:trac:`14766`):: sage: exp_integral_e(int(3), 0) 1/2 """z_zero =False# special case: z == 0 and n > 1ifisinstance(z, Expression):ifz.is_trivial_zero(): ...
不定积分计算器可以用分析整合的方法,计算出一个给定变量的函数的不定积分(原函数)。它也可以画出函数和它的原函数的图像。请注意,计算的不定积分属于一类函数F(x) C,其中C是任意常数。不定积分计算器解析表达式,应用积分法则并化简最终结果。因此,积分计算的最终结果可能与常数的预期结果不同。 支持的函数和...