EXP-00113: 機能stringはサポートされていません。string string.stringはエクスポートできません 原因: エクスポートには、この機能に必要なサポートが含まれていません。 処置: Oracle Data Pump Utilityを使用してください。 戻る 次へ Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. 目次...
EXP-00113: 機能stringはサポートされていません。stringstring.stringはエクスポートできません 原因:エクスポートには、この機能に必要なサポートが含まれていません。 処置:Oracle Data Pump Utilityを使用してください。
Classic Export does not supportthis. When a table withthisfeatureisexported, an error message EXP-113israised: EXP-00113: Feature New Composite Partitioning Methodisunsupported. Table <TABLE_NAME>could not be exported But the export would still complete. Andinnormal circumstancesthiserror shouldcontinu...
EXP-00113: Feature New Composite Partitioning Method is unsupported. Table <schema>. could not be exported Export terminated successfully with warnings. Thanks
EXP-00113: Feature New Composite Partitioning Methodisunsupported. Table <TABLE_NAME>could not be exported But the export would still complete. Andinnormal circumstancesthiserror shouldcontinueto be seen. Butifthe table partition has split or added anewpartition, it will now generate the EXP-6and ...
Hello All , I am getting the below while trying to export a table via TOAD About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ... EXP-00113: Feature New Composite Partitioning Method is unsupported. Table <schema>. could not be exported Export terminated...
EXP-00113: Feature New Composite Partitioning Method is unsupported. Table MYTABLE could not be exported But the export would still complete. And in normal circumstances this error should continue to be seen, however, if the table partition has split or added a new partition, it will generate ...
LRM-00113: error when processing file parfile_lzl.txt EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type EXP HELP=Y for help EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully [oracle@lzl ~]$ vi parfile_lzl.txt [oracle@lzl ~]$ cat parfile_lzl.txt ...
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