Define exotropia. exotropia synonyms, exotropia pronunciation, exotropia translation, English dictionary definition of exotropia. n. A form of strabismus in which one or both of the eyes deviate outward. Also called walleye . ex′o·trop′ic adj. America
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Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Featured Authors Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Chapter STRABISMUS Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology Book2008, Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology Explore book Background Exotropia...
Adopting the definition of deterioration from the PEDIG study,11 we had 4 participants who met deterioration criteria (all for stereoacuity) at 1 visit only, improving spontaneously. None of our trial participants met the deterioration criteria for 2 consecutive visits in 1 year. We noted no IOP...
Purpose: The term congenital exotropia (XT) is typically reserved for patients presenting in the first year with a large, constant angle, however, no published study provides a rationale for this restrictive definition. In this study, the present classification system for XT was evaluated and ...
Only a small proportion of surgical and non-surgical patients met our definition of cure, with the vast majority demonstrating a constant or intermittent manifest deviation after an average of 7 years follow-up. In childhood intermittent XT, long-term cure is difficult to achieve with surgical ...
The definition of the fusional parameters and method of measurement was reported by Yamet al.10. The angle of deviation was not neutralized before the measurement. The observer was to determine whether the patient could maintain the alignment in free space before the fusional reserve was measured....
By definition, intermittent exotropia is also intermittent straight eyes. When we choose to observe these patients over time without intervention, we are comforted by the fact that a constant deviation, if it develops at all, does not usually occur overnight.WilsonJr.,M.E....
Even for ocular alignment, there was no agreed definition of postoperative success. Time frames for assessing outcomes ranged from two months to two years after surgery. Conclusions: The lack of harmony in outcome reporting for studies of surgery for IXT is counterproductive. We suggest 4 core ...
These are difficult to compare and analyse due to variations in definition, intervention criteria, and outcome measures. However, there appears to be an agreement that the nonsurgical treatment is more appropriate in small-angle deviations or as a supplement to surgery. Studies supporting both early...