The meaning of EXOTICISM is the quality or state of being exotic.
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
synonyms (1) Words with the same meaning exotic hypernyms (3) Words that are more generic or abstract curiousness foreignness strangeness same context (23) Words that are found in similar contexts Sphynx allegretto cigaret colossi copartnership dinning embalmers gold-work grooving...
Consensus, Community, and Exoticism The Possibilities of the Past A Comment Intellectual History in the 1980s From History of Ideas to History of Meaning The Case for the Defense History of Science in the 1980s Science, Technology, and Medicine Toward the Future Coherence, Synthesis...
仅供参考,由机器翻译系统提供。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning of exoticism 广告 在exoticism 附近的词典条目 exorcist exoskeleton exoteric exothermic exotic exoticism expand expanse expansion expansionist expansive 链接论坛参考文献链接产品iOS 应用安卓应用Chrome 扩展关于网站作者网站简介在Facebook...
Exoticism and Modernity : The Creation of Meaning in Art Nouveaudoi:10.1400/137281G. Wood
The purpose of this study was to illuminate exotic taste represented in costume in the cluture-anthroplogic aspect, to compare with beauty of costume that each culture of costume had, and to study as aspect of exotic taste in costume and the meaning of the times due to those differences. ...
1590年代,“屬於另一個國家的”,源自法語exotique(16世紀)並直接源自拉丁語exoticus,來自希臘語exotikos“外國的”,字面意思是“來自外部”,來自exo“外部”(參見exo-)。英語中“不尋常的,奇怪的”意義首次記錄於1620年代,源於“外來的,異國的”概念。關於脫衣舞女和跳舞女的引用,它是1942年美國英語的。 Exoti...
Tourists have a tendency to seek novelty, meaning that they are attracted by the foreign atmosphere or culture that they barely experience in daily-life. It thus opens tourism opportunities for countries rich in colonial background or exotic resources. While international tourists' novelty-seeking ...
RoboethicsThe present paper critically examines a recent recurrent pattern of Western scholarship of importing sets of Japanese ethics in artificial intelligence/data/robot ethics contexts without a deeper examination of their meaning and value. The paper's outline is unfolded as such: (1) We draw ...