A guinea pig receives acupuncture at Pet Han Han. Exotic pets like lizards, snakes, and meerkats have become all the rage among some young people, but if one of these critters falls ill, finding a vet can be a...
As a leading exotic pet hospital, we specialize in treating various unique animals, ensuring they receive the tailored attention they deserve. Our experienced exotic pet vets are passionate about their work, combining expertise with compassion for every visit. Whether you have a dog, cat, or an ...
Learn about the veterinary topic of Management of Pet Birds. Find specific details on this topic and related topics from the MSD Vet Manual.
Jörg Mayer, Dr. med.vet., M.ScBradley Bays, T., Lightfoot T. och Mayer J., (2006), Exotic Pet Behavior: Birds, Reptiles, and Small Mammals ISBN: 1-4160-0009-7BAYS, T.B. Rabbit Behavior. In: BAYS,T.B.; LIGHTFOOT,T.; MAYER,J. (Eds). Exotic pet behavior: Birds, Reptiles...
Northwest Exotic Pet Vet, LLC is a full service exotic pet practice. We offer personalized, high quality, compassionate care exclusively for ferrets, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, sugar gliders, and other exotic pets. We strive to provide top notch customer service to our clients and focus on cle...
Long Island Bird and Exotics Veterinary Clinic is a pet vet and animal hospital serving Long Island, New York, City, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Statend Island and New Jersey. We provide avian and exotic pets with medical care.
Trust Exotic Animal Hospital of Orlando for expert, compassionate care. Our experienced exotic vets create personalized plans for every pet. Schedule your visit today.
We picked Bengals as our family pets because we have allergies and we wanted a smart, hypoallergenic pet.We except gifts (AKA (also known as), payments, deposits - listed throughout our site and documents). These gifts (AKA, payments, deposits) are used for the care of these wonderful ...
If you ever see your cat breathing with an open mouth, it’s a medical emergency and they should see their vet right away. Polycystic Kidney Disease Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a type of kidney disease that cats are born with. It causes cysts to form in the kidneys, which permane...
We strive to provide all pets with state of the art medical and surgical care and work to promote the health and well being of each pet through proper environment, nutrition, interaction, education, and health care. We recognize owner attachment to all manner of pets and know each pet has ...