Mechanics with the MECHanic talent have an additional 25% Movement Speed bonus, meaning 35% decrease in total. It also allows anyone to fire theHMGuninterrupted, without the necessaryWeapon Skill. It requires a Breathing Supply item inserted into it to provideOxygento the user, otherwise they wil...
static/dynamic test, with/without exoskeleton, shoulder joint muscles The results show that the exoskeleton is compliant with the movement, and there is a significant decrease of the EMG signal of the anterior deltoid and middle deltoid wearing the exoskeleton, meaning a reduction of the muscle ...
An extra kg of body weight was associated with a 0.32 Nm increase in the optimal peak torque magnitude on average (\({\tau }_{opt}=0.32\cdot BW-12.76\); P < 0.05), meaning that participants with larger body weight need higher assistance. Figure 2 Optimal parameters. Optimal (a) ...