Other causes of exophthalmos include other orbital inflammatory conditions, spread of infection from the paranasal sinuses or teeth, trauma, various orbital tumours, and vascular (blood vessel) abnormalities of the orbit. It should also be noted that “prominent” eyes can be a normal inherited ...
Otherwise, normal ophthalmological examination. A CT scan revealed a left ethmoidal mucocele. He underwent endonasal drainage surgery and the eye proptosis resolved (20 mm both eyes) along with full range of ocular motility.doi:10.1007/978-3-030-66865-5_70Georgios Vakros...
It can occur in one or both eyes. Usually the white above the iris (colored part of the eye) is not visible, except when the eyes are bulging, and for people with exophthalmos. Luckily the condition is treatable (keep reading to find out more). Someone with exophthalmos may appear to...
What is the mechanism of exophthalmos?Exophthalmos is the protrusion of one or both eyes anteriorly out of the orbit due to an increase in orbital contents within the rigid bony orbit. It most commonly manifests in thyroid-associated eye disease such as Graves' disease ophthalmopathy....
Exophthalmos was marked in both eyes. Small corneal ulcer of his good eye was present and healed before operation. In consultation with Dr. Cronin and Dr. Pairclough, it was decided to perform thyreoidectomy as the toxic symptoms were so severe. After operation the basal metabolic rate became...
Sometimes thyroid diseases cause exophthalmos in both eyes and in these cases the diagnosis is easy. the diagnosis becomes more difficult in case of unilateral exophthalmos and especially when the patient is not known to have a thyroid disease. In these cases more serious pathologies are suspected,...
Sometimes thyroid diseases cause exophthalmos in both eyes and in these cases the diagnosis is easy. the diagnosis becomes more difficult in case of unilateral exophthalmos and especially when the patient is not known to have a thyroid disease. In these cases more serious pathologies are suspected,...
The case reported was of the very advanced type with an exophthalmos of 30 mm.; the cornea was hazy and ulcerating, edema marked and the eyeballs not replaceable. A decompression operation was performed through the soft orbital tissues, and treatment instituted with preservation of both eyes ...
The ear examination was also negative. Eye: Marked exophthalmos in both eyes, especially the right. A distinct pulsation, rhythmical with the pulse, could bedoi:10.1001/jama.1911.02560210024010McCLELLANW. E.American Medical AssociationJournal of the American Medical Association...
There was mild left exophthalmos. The periorbital skin was normal, without swelling. The mobility and reaction to light was intact and the child was able to fix with both eyes and to close 鈥doi:10.1136/adc.86.5.343CasaultaCBMJ Publishing Group LtdArchives of Disease in Childhood...