16, 66-77.Ames BN, 1989, Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis: Endogenous and exogenous factors, Environ Molec Mut, 14, (Suppl. 16) 66-77.Ames BN: Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis: endogenous and exogenous factors. Environ Mol Mutagen 14: 66-77, 1989....
《Exogenous Factors Affecting Thrombosis and Hemostasis 2005: 3rd International Conference, EFATH, Sydney, August 2005, Proceedings》是一本图书。内容简介 Blood circulation is vital for our survival and any imbalance in the ...
exogenous factorsLithuaniaThis paper is an analysis of exogenous factors of low-tech industries competitiveness in Lithuania. After carrying out an analysis of scientific literature and determining the most significant exogenous factors of industries competitiveness in general, the importance of these factors...
PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH IN EUROPEAN RAILWAYS AND EXOGENOUS FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ON ITS EFFICIENCYW e analyzed the performance of the European railway publicsystem for the years 2004-2012. In this period, numerousderegulation and liberalization steps were implemented with the aim to revitalize the...
Performance of Chinese hotel segment markets: Efficiencies measure based on both endogenous and exogenous factors 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 99 作者:Z Yang,L Xia,Z Cheng 摘要: With the development of the tourism industry over the last three decades, there has been growing interest in...
3.(Psychiatry)psychiatry(of a mental illness) caused by external factors exˈogenouslyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
We introduce a gas price model incorporating temperature and oil price as exogenous factors. Three model alternatives are presented for the considered commodity prices. A comparison gives evidence that the cointegration approach describes the dependencies best. Finally, the electricity price model is ...
Spá?ilová, ZuzanaSolgajová, AndreaV?r?sová, GabrielaZrubcová, DanaKontaktSpačilova Z, Solgajova A, Vorosova G, Zrubcova D. Exogenous risk factors for colorectal cancer in people aged 50 years and older. Kontakt. 2018;20:126-33....
FactorsConsidered AnalysisExogenous Uncertainties PolicyLevers CasesConsidered EachUncertain Parameter 28 Perormance TreePolicies ScenarioShown RelativeRegret TreePolicies ScenarioShown AlternativePolicies 37 RelationshipsAmong Nodes BayesianNetwork 47 EmissionReduction uenceFactors 52 ConditionalProbability able Deployment...