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Continental Terra Speed TR (tanwall) 45 16.4 W Panaracer GravelKing TLC 35 16.6 W Vittoria Corsa N.EXT TLR 32 16.7 W Panaracer GravelKing TLC 40 17.0 W Continental Terra Speed TR 35 17.0 W Pirelli P Zero Race TLR SpeedCore 40 17.0 W Vittoria Corsa N.EXT TLR 34 17.2 W Challenge Getaw...
This may suggest a dynamical tilting of the Co2O6 Materials 2016, 9, 717 7 of 14 octahMeadterraia,lsw20h16i,c9h, 7m17ay be a hint of the migration of the oxygen vacancies along the c axis, s7hoofr1t4ening and stretching the O-O distances along this direction. Axial O2 oxygen ...