EXMAR Ship Management shipmanagement@exmar.be Tel: +32 3 247 50 11 Fax: +32 3 247 50 91 De Gerlachekaai, 20 B-2000 Antwerpen Belgium EXMAR Offshore Company exmar@exmaroffshore.com Tel: +1 281 679 39 00 Fax: +1 281 497 33 70...
资产优化:EXMAR成功出售并交付了一艘中型气体运输船WARINSART,并出售了4艘全压式船舶(SABRINA、HELENE、MAGDALENA、DEBBIE),预计于2024年第四季度至2025年第一季度陆续交付。 工程合作:EXMAR旗下工程子公司EXMAR Offshore Company(EOC)与BP签署了工程合同,为美国墨西哥湾第五个Opti-Ex设计提供支持。 重要后续事项 EXMAR...
Tubb, Rita
den Offshore-Anlagenbau, die Mess- und as highly corrosive hydraulic systems and Regeltechnik, sowie hydraulische Anlagen mit installations. erhöhter korrosiver Beanspruchung. Funktion Principle 原理 Vor dem Anzug der Überwurfmutter Nach dem Anzug der Überwurfmutter Before tightening the nut...
12月20日,比利时船东Exmar宣布,与挪威国油达成协议,将订造2艘79500立方米环保型VLGC,并以长期租赁的形式租给挪威国油。 Exmar称,这2艘VLGC的交付期均定在2020年,按照最严格的氮氧化物和硫氧化物排放标准建造。 Exmar并未公布这2艘VLGC将由哪家船厂建造。不过,据贸易风消息,现代重工和韩进重工菲律宾苏比克船厂有可能...
An offshore liquefied natural gas regasification system is disclosed, which includes a mobile floating platform having a regasification unit disposed on it. The regasification unit is adapted to operatively couple to an outlet of a lique...
re-injection projects. The robust pressurized storage tanks can be made in an efficient shape fitting the ship hull and allowing for large storage capacity. An additional benefit for offshore storage is that the LPV design prevents sloshing problems even in the harshest environments," Exmar added....
Exmar NV is a Belgium-based company engaged in the operation and ownership of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) Carrier. The Company’s activities are structured into following parts: offshore services, transportation of liquefied gases, other. The offshore services inc...
will deliver the fuel supply andcargo handling systemsfor two new gas carriers that will operate withammonia fuel. The ships are being built at the Hyundai Mipo Dockyards (HMD) in Korea for ship owner EXMAR LPG, a joint venture between EXMAR...