如果您对我们的沙特-SABIC LEXAN PC EXL1414有任何疑问,想咨询沙特-SABIC LEXAN PC EXL1414价格,或是想获取沙特-SABIC LEXAN PC EXL1414物性表datasheet、物质安全资料证书MSDS、RoHS检验报告、REACH环保证明、FDA证明、UL证书及出厂证明COA报告等,请联系我们。 东莞市昊恩塑胶贸易有限公司:专业从事工程塑胶原料--主要...
物性表 LEXAN EXL1414 resin(MSDS 2014 9 2
**Notes:Our inventory list changes every month,Marked **,This is a spot buy one time deal & not repeatable…we got this from a molder who had excess inventory. More order and datasheet/msds and other certificate and packaging pics,Please send e-mail to : x.g.chiang@gmail.com ...
**Notes:Our inventory list changes every month,Marked **,This is a spot buy one time deal & not repeatable…we got this from a molder who had excess inventory. More order and datasheet/msds and other certificate and packaging pics,Please send e-mail to : x.g.chiang@gmail.com ...