let script="activate application \"Activity Monitor\"\ntell application \"System Events\"\n\tkeystroke \"f\" using {option down, command down}\n\tkeystroke \"vim\"\n\n\ttell process \"Activity Monitor\"\n\t\ttell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1\n\t\t\tselect row 1\n...
-o threadTest.js threadTest.cpp em++: warning: USE_PTHREADS + ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH may run non-wasm code slowly, see https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/issues/1271 [-Wpthreads-mem-growth] dan@dl360:~/applications/test-rgb2y$ vim testrunner-thread.js dan@dl360:~/applications/test-rgb...
:!timeout 10 yes "Preparing to exit vim. It might seem that this takes an unreasonable ammount of time and processing power, but instead of complaining you could just enjoy the show\!" | lolcat ; pgrep vim | xargs kill -9May the magnificent colors help you to forget the emotional ...