在MATLAB中,exitflag = -2表示无法满足所有的等式和不等式约束条件。这种情况下优化问题可能没有最小值...
matlab优化中,..function f=objfun(x)f=x(1).^3*x(2)*x(3)/x(4)*(4.2*x(2)/x(4)+2)*(3.2*x(2)/x(4)+2);function [c,ceq]=co
getting exit message 2 is not bad but if you insist on having 1, you could try to use smaller values for TolX (ie.. 1e-10 or even 1e-14) as for exit message -2: there could be many causes. if you choose a feasible starting point, fmincon should be able to ...
matlab lsqcurvefit 曲线拟合时程序老出错程序如下:function f =curvefun(x,XDATA)f = x(1)*log10(1 + 1/(x(2)+XDATA.^x(3)));主程序为:XDATA = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];YDATA = [0.726,0.151,0.055,0.028,0.018,0.009,0.005,0.003,0.003];x0 = [0.1 -1 0.1];[x,res] = lsqcu