问题:运行docker-compose up后,Ubuntu镜像构建成功,但是又马上退出并显示exited with code 0 原因:docker容器执行任务完成后就会处于exited状态 解决: 1. 在 yml 文件的 Ubuntu镜像参数中加上stdin_open: true | tty: true这两行参数,代码如下(最后两行),其中stdin_open相当于run命令中的-d,其中tty相当于run命令...
使用Docker Compose: 如果你正在使用Docker Compose来管理多个容器,可以检查docker-compose.yml文件中的服务配置,确保每个服务都有适当的重启策略和其他配置选项。 总之,"docker exited with code 0"通常表示容器已经正常结束运行。如果你对容器的行为有疑问,可以通过查看日志、检查Dockerfile和Docker Compose配置来进一步了解...
但 docker-compose up的时候,总是提示 msgserve_web_1 exited with code 0 Killing msgserve_redis_1 ... done 容器状态 CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8a60af07101b cfanbo/swoole4_php7:v1 "docker-php-entrypoi…" Less than a second ago Exited (0) 13 seconds ago msg...
My docker compose The YML file is as shown above. When I execute docker compose up, I will be prompted attaching to easywoole easywoole exited with code 0. How can I solve it meyay(Metin Y.)January 6, 2022, 7:09am2 If the image is build according the description inDocker Hub, it...
docker-compose使⽤的模板⽂件中有通过entrypoint或者command参数设置容器启动⾃动执⾏sh命令开启nginx服务,但是docker-compose up后容器⾃动退出了 nginx-web1 exited with code 0 nginx-web2 exited with code 0 nginx-web3 exited with code 0 原因:Docker的机制是让容器后台运⾏,必须⾄少有⼀个...
Now, As Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml are created I gave the following command $ docker-compose up --scale docker-git-container=3 The above command created 3 containers but, I am not able to enter into the container with the following command ...
解决:Docker Container exited with code 137 说明:docker-compose up时,报了某Container exited with code 137... 我怀疑该容器被Linux进行OOMKille了 一、问题描述 服务器上发包,构建完镜像执行Up的时候,给我提示了个:Container exited with code 137。
docker compose up [+] Running 2/2 ✔ Volume "open-webui_open-webui" Created 0.0s ✔ Container open-webui Created 0.2s Attaching to open-webui open-webui | Loading WEBUI_SECRET_KEY from file, not provided as an environment variable. open-webui | Generating WEBUI_SECRET_KEY open-...
Hi, I have configured my docker-compose.yml file to configure the sql database passwords for root and user. Then I have executed command docker compose up --build like described in the installation guide. This command leads finally to the error: "grails-1 exited with code 137". I have ...
按照极客时间的教程,以docker-compose的方式运行kibana和elasticsearch,发现报错Docker Container exited with code 137; 课程github链接 # https://github.com/geektime-geekbang/geektime-ELK/tree/master/part-1/2.3-%E5%9C%A8Docker%E5%AE%B9%E5%99%A8%E4%B8%AD%E8%BF%90%E8%A1%8CElasticsearch%2CKibana%E...