在普通的Python程序中,使用exit()函数可以立即终止程序的执行。 exit在while循环中的使用 在while循环中,我们可以通过捕获SystemExit异常来实现在循环中提前退出的效果。下面是一个简单的示例代码: whileTrue:try:user_input=input("Enter 'exit' to stop the loop: ")ifuser_input=='exit':exit()exceptSystemExit...
defPinging_Thread(self):print"[+] Starting Ping thread"#self.ptc=threading.Condition()wait=Truep=0.1while1:#loop foreverifwaitand(self.ping_delay >0): self.ptc.acquire() self.ptc.wait(self.ping_delay+self.penalty)#send ping to server interval + penaltyself.ptc.release() self.mutex_http...
self.print_logs(all_logs)# Keep polling, and print any new logs.loop =Truewhileloop: all_logs_again = self.zappa.fetch_logs(self.lambda_name) new_logs = []forloginall_logs_again:iflognotinall_logs: new_logs.append(log) self.print_logs(new_logs) all_logs = all_logs + new_logsif...
player_input = '' # This has to be initialized for the loop while player_input != 0: player_input = str(input('Roll or quit (r or q)')) if player_input == q: # This will break the loop if the player decides to quit print("Now let's see if I can beat your score of", ...
Python -while、for、continue、break语句 一、while 语句 作用:while 语句用于循环执行程序,在某条件下为真时,循环执行程序段,经常用来处理需要重复相同的任务。 格式: while 判断条件: 执行语句 只有判断条件为真,就执行语句,执行完语句后,继续判断条件是否为真,直到条件为假时,退出,执行后面的代码。 有时: whil...
其中,exit for loop语句是一个非常有用的关键字,它允许在某个条件满足时提前退出循环。 本文将逐步回答关于Robot Framework中的exit for loop语句的相关问题,以帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个功能。 1. Robot Framework中的循环结构和关键字 在Robot Framework中,有两种常见的循环结构:For循环和While循环。 # 1.1 ...
您可以定义一个可以抛出的自定义异常,然后将对game的调用 Package 在try-catch中,并在其后提示检查...
Running the while loop for infinite time, this line of codeuser_input = input(“Type ‘exit’ to exit or ‘continue’ to perform another task: “)takes the input from the user as ‘continue’ or ‘exit’. When the user inputs the word‘continue’, then the if statement checks if the...
def run(self): """ Loop on, wait for events until manual interruption. """ # start print "Waiting for the robot to be in wake up position" self.motion.wakeUp() print "Starting HumanGreeter" try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Interrupted by user, stopping...
Example:whileloop,forloop Exit Controlled Loop Loop,where test condition is checked after executing the loop body, known asExit Controlled Loop. Example:do whileloop Consider the code snippets Using while loop 1 2 3 intcount=100; while(count<50) ...