'Exit' 必須在 'Sub'、'Function'、'Property'、'Do'、'For'、'While'、'Select' 或 'Try' 之前 'Exit Operator' 無效請使用 'Return' 結束運算子 Function 或 Sub 中的 'Exit Property' 無效 'Exit Select' 只可以在 'Select' 陳述式中出現 即時運算視窗中的 'Exit' 陳述式無效 Function 或...
Exit While 陳述式出現在 While 區塊之外。Exit While 只有在 While 陳述式和相對應的 End While 陳述式之間有效。 錯誤ID:BC30097 若要更正這個錯誤 確定有效的 While 陳述式是在 Exit While 之前,且之後有一個有效的 End While 陳述式。 驗證While 區塊內的其他控制結構是否正確結束。 請參閱 參考 While...
“Continue”后面必须有“Do”、“For”或“While” “Continue”语句在“即时”窗口中无效 “Continue While”只能出现在“While”语句内 在常量表达式中不能发生从“<type1>”到“<type2>”的转换 在用作属性参数的常量表达式中不能发生从“<type1>”到“<type2>”的转换 从“Date”到“Double”的转换需要...
In the same piece of code where we are trying to print numbers from 5 to 55, I have inserted a condition to exit/break the loop when the iterator value is 10. So, after printing the value 10, the condition is met, and the “Exit For” statement is triggered. The statement completely...
1. How do you break an endless loop in VBA? To break the infinite loop in VBA, the Exit For statement is used. It is used in the For loop, Do…While or Until…loop too. 2. How do you break out of a For loop in VBA? You can exit a For loop, using Exit For command. When...
exit语句是一种在编程中用于停止宏操作的语句。它通常用于宏定义中,用于在满足某些条件时提前结束宏的执行。 exit语句的作用是立即终止当前的宏操作,并返回到宏操作被调用的地方继续执行后续的代码。它...
Guide to VBA Break For Loop. Here we learn how to Exit/break VBA for Loop along with step by step examples and downloadable excel template.
“Do”必须以匹配的“Loop”结束 XML 属性“attributeName”重复 此转换运算符的参数类型或返回类型必须属于包含类型 元素缺少结束标记 元素名称不能使用“xmlns”前缀 “Else”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “ElseIf”前面必须是匹配的“If”或“ElseIf” “End AddHandler”前面必须是匹配的“AddHandler”声...
I am simply using an outer loop that loops through the subfolders in a directory, & creates a master file in each subfolder reflective of the files in that subfolder; the file structures are all identical so I only need one file to base on as a template for the master file, which wil...
VBA offers numerous methods to manage the movement of runtime control in our code. For example: Loops like For, foreach,do until, while Statements like “Exit for”, “Exit do” If conditions with a variety of structures like simple if,else if,nested if ...