How can I useexit statusin shell Scripting? We will use exit status in scripting bit different as shown below ls -lrtif [ $? -eq 0 ]thenecho "the ls -lrt command executed successfully"elseecho "the ls -lrt command not executed properly and exit status is : $?"fi if you see if s...
Shell exit status exit 是一个 Shell 内置命令,用来退出当前 Shell 进程,并返回一个退出状态,exitstatus是一个介于0到255之间的值。命令:$?可以接收这个退出状态。退出码(exit status,或exit code)约定:0 操作成功完成1 功能错误2 系统找不到指定的文件3 系统找不到指定的路径4 系统无法打开文件5 拒绝访问6...
Linux 程式设计(11.ShellScript(bash))((8)返回状态 Exit)在继续之前,我们必须切入另一个主题,即返回状态值-退出状态因 为如果/同时/直到都涉及到使用退出状态来控制程序流的问题。 -退出后的数字是返回状态值-退出状态。 返回状态值,这可以大大增加使用外壳脚本组合程序的可能性。小 程序可以通过外壳脚本完成复杂...
在shell下可以用 $? 这个变量得到“最新”的一个 return value,即刚结束的那个形成传回的值。Return Value(RV) 的取值为 0-255 之间,由程序(或script)的作者自行定义(可以方便 command return status function false 原创 突然想起高中 2014-01-22 17:14:44...
return也可以用于使用 . 或source的方式包含的子Shell脚本中,可以返回指定的状态或者脚本中最后一个命令的exit status。比如如下脚本: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/bashif[$#-ne1]then echo"please input parameter"return1fi 上面的脚本如果直接执行则会报如下错误: ...
Using this exit status code, you can debug the problem that occurred while executing the command, which can be extremely beneficial in shell script error handling. The following is the list of known exit status codes from total (0-255) for bash in Linux: ...
After the shell function execution, $? returns the exit status of the last command executed in a function. After the shell script execution, $? returns the exit status of the last command executed in the script. Sample Shell Script that Explains Shell-Command Exit Status ...
The exit status can be used to indicate the success or failure of the command. For example, a shell script might use the exit status to determine whether to perform certain actions based on the success or failure of a command. To specify the exit status, you can use the exit command fol...
Exit a shell script with status n (e.g., exit 1). n can be 0 (success) or nonzero (failure). If n is not given, exit status is that of the most recent command. exit can be issued at the command line to close a window (log out). Exit statuses can range in value from 0 ...
printf("run shell script fail, script exit code: %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } else //错误退出 { printf("exit status = [%d]\n", WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } return 0; } 下面更详细解释: 1、先统一两个说法: (1)system返回值:指调用system函数后的返回值,比如上例中status为system返...