遇到cmd报错提示NameError: name 'exit' is not defined时,你可能是使用了官方提供的python-3.X.X-embed-*.zip包。官方建议,若要将python集成到其他程序中,应使用这个压缩包。然而,如果你希望使用标准的python安装方式,建议通过官方的exe文件重新安装。在cmd中直接使用exit()可能会导致上述错误,因...
在ide使用中没有问题,但是封装成应用程序时就出现问题: NameError: name 'exit' is not defined 百度了一圈后解决办法如下:将exit(),改为sys.exit() import systry: file_name=os.path.basename(src) file_size=os.stat(src).st_size except Exception: print("源文件不存在:", src) sys.exit() Pytho...
你应该是下载的python压缩包。官方说这个python-3.X.X-embed-*.zip包,是用于其他程序集成python的。你可以使用官方的exe文件重新安装python,否则需要导入sys包:import sys sys.exit()或者:from sys import exit exit()
2.NameError: global name 'exit' is not defined I have tried importing exit from sys The first error is related to you callingex.run_commandline()which tries to interpret the command-line option given bysys.argv. In your case, that means the command-line options of the Jupyter notebook,...
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Default value:The default is to use the ABENDNUM characteristics that were specified (or defaulted) when the exit was defined, or, if the exit is implicitly defined, the ABENDNUM characteristics that are specified when the exit is subsequently defined. The ABENDNUM value must not exceed 8 deci...
The problem is not seen. Still, I am concerned about the extra load on the system to use deleting and transferring again, instead of supporting ssh commands to move files or directories locally at the target host. axkibe commented on Nov 30, 2023 axkibe on Nov 30, 2023 Collaborator Im...
You may not have exactly the same error as me, but an easy way to find a more detailed explanation of the error is to: Show the issue navigator (while the build time error is showing) Click the error: Then, you should see more about your error: I hope this helps. Please...
_WIN32_WINNT not defined. Defaulting to _WIN32_WINNT_MAXVER (see WinSDKVer.h) : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed !> in c# . Check is object null - What are the options? .Net 4 File...
When you call theexit,_Exitor_exitfunction, the destructors for any temporary or automatic objects that exist at the time of the call are not called. An automatic object is defined in a function where the object is not declared to be static. A temporary object is an object that's created...