Theexitcommand in Bash is used with the syntax,exit [n]. Its function is to terminate a script and return a value to the parent script or shell. It’s a way to signal the end of a script’s execution and optionally return a status code to the calling process. Here’s a simple exa...
Linux程式设计- Script(bash)--(8)返回状态Exit返回状态值可以使得程式与程式之间利用返回状态值可以使得程式与程式之间利用返回状态值可以使得程式与程式之间利用shellshellshellscriptscriptscript来结合的可能性大增利用小程式透过来结合的可能性大增利用小程式透过来结合的可能性大增利用小程式透过shellshellshellscript...
Script executed without the path gives "command not found" or code 127当你想运行的可执行文件不在 $PATH 变量中时,也会出现退出码 127。你可以通过 在PATH 变量中添加命令的目录 来纠正这种情况。 当你输入不存在的命令时,也会得到这样的退出码。
The first exit command sets the exit status of the script in case of failure (exit value as 1). The second exit command is a formal expression. This means that when the script completes its execution to the end, it has the exit status of the last command which, in this case, is the...
Linux 程式设计(11.ShellScript(bash))((8)返回状态 Exit)在继续之前,我们必须切入另一个主题,即返回状态值-退出状态因 为如果/同时/直到都涉及到使用退出状态来控制程序流的问题。 -退出后的数字是返回状态值-退出状态。 返回状态值,这可以大大增加使用外壳脚本组合程序的可能性。小 程序可以通过外壳脚本完成复杂...
The exit status is the exit status of the last command executed in the script when it terminates with an exit with no parameter (previous to the exit). Example: #!/bin/bash FIRST COMMAND .. .. LAST COMMAND # It will exit the script with the status of the last command. exit exit,... exitalso makes your scriptstop executionat that point and return to the command line. Caveat: Using the proper exit code is not a requirement and is not enforced by the shell. Developers can ign...
See thebash(1) man pageon the "set" internal command for more details. I personally start almost all shell scripts with "set -e". It's really annoying to have a script stubbornly continue when something fails in the middle and breaks assumptions for the rest of the script.... exit also makes your scriptstop executionat that point and return to the command line. Caveat: Using the proper exit code is not a requirement and is not enforced ...
-bash: found $echo$?127 If this result occurs in a script, try adding the explicit path to the problem executable or script. Spelling also counts when specifying an executable or a script. [ Readers also enjoyed:10 basic Linux commands you need to know. ] ...