code % 256 常见异常状态码 137 此状态码一般是因为 pod 中容器内存达到了它的资源限制(resources.limits),一般是内存溢出(OOM),CPU达到限制只需要不分时间片给程序就可以。因为限制资源是通过linux的 cgroup 实现的,所以 cgroup 会将此容器强制杀掉,类似于kill -9 还可能是宿主机本身资源不够用了(OOM),内核会...
如果我理解正确的话,您可能想要查看Field Selectors。字段选择器允许您根据一个或多个资源字段的值选择K...
Grace period– after SIGTERM is sent, Kubernetes waits for theterminationGracePeriod, which is 30 seconds by default, to allow the containers to shut down. You can customize the grace period in each pod’s YAML template.Note:Kubernetes does not wait for the preStop hook to complete – it st...
本文译自: 摘要:本文讨论了在KubernetesPod 中排序容器的需求,介绍了开源工具 Kubexit 实现容器的有序启动和终止,提高工作流灵活性。 为什么要在 Pod 中对容器进行排序? 在某些情况下,Pod 的排序可能是一个使用案例,我们需要...
at the same time try to create a pod which is mounting data from configmap with subpath Anything else we need to know? No response Kubernetes version client Version: v1.29.0 Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3 Server Version: v1.27.8-gke.1067004 Cloud provider GKE OS...
When a wrapped app exits, kubexit will update the tombstone with a Died timestamp and the ExitCode.These tombstones are written to the graveyard, a folder on the local file system. In Kubernetes, an in-memory volume can be used to share the graveyard between containers in a pod. By watc...
[OK] kubernetes [OK] env [OK] virtualization kern.hv_support [ERROR] slirp Unexpected error ((Failure "Error connecting socket to 9p endpoint unix:/Users/tonychen/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s51: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ECONNREFUSED, \"connect\", \"\")")) connecting to /...
api /bin/ ... Exit 143 ECSを利用している場合 タスク定義にinitProcessEnabled: true(4) を追加します。initProcessEnabledはdocker runの--initに相当します。 Kubernetesを利用している場合 tiniなどの軽量initを使う方法もありますが、Kubernetes 1.17からは Share Process Namespace...
Steps to reproduce: Set the PyTorchJob restartPolicy: ExitCode Set backoffLimit > 1 Have a container exit with a non-zero exit code greater than 128 Observed Behavior: When the pod errors out, the controller deletes the pod and recreates...