Our “fleet” wash level uses our machine plus we hand wash the windows and wheels. Our “Owner Operator Special” referred to as O/O, gives you a machine plus hand wash. Show truck level gets extra attention at an additional cost. Weather Max: Price includes complete wash including engine...
西红柿;蕃茄 tour/ tuE/ n.&v.旅行 toy/ tRi/ n.玩具 track/ trAk/ n.足迹,踪迹;小径;铁轨 vt.跟踪 tractor/ 5trAktE/ n.拖拉机 traffic/ 5trAfik/ n.交通 trip/ trip/ n.短程旅行 truck/ trQk/ n.卡车 T-shirt/5ti:7FE:t /n.圆领汗衫 be covered with//盖着, 覆着 be different from/...