Existence of Nash equilibrium is a key question investigated extensively in game theory. For two person zero-sum games with finite strategy sets, we have seen in the previous chapter, theminimax theorem, which establishes the existence of at least one mixed strategy equilibrium. John Nash, in ...
nashdiscontinuousequilibriumgamesexistencequasiconcave ExistenceofNashEquilibriuminDiscontinuousGames∗RabiaNessah†IESEGSchoolofManagementCNRS-LEM(UMR8179)3ruedelaDigue59000Lille-FranceGuoqiangTian‡DepartmentofEconomicsTexasA&MUniversityCollegeStation,Texas77843USASeptember,2013AbstractThispaperoffersanequilibriumexisten...
existence of Nash equilibria indiscontinuous games.Keywords Nash equilibrium ·Discontinuous gamesJEL Classif i cation C72Game theory studies situations characterized by strategic interaction of several indi-viduals, arising when the well-being of at least one individual depends on what otherindividuals ...
Then the existence of open-loop Nash equilibrium points for nonzero-sum linear-quadratic stochastic differential games with random coefficients is investigated... EJR Gutiérrez,SL Nguyen,G Yin - 《Applied Mathematics & Optimization》 被引量: 0发表: 2024年 Risk-Sensitive Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Diffe...
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the C-concavity condition, and next prove a new existence theorem of Nash equilibrium in n-person games with C-concavity. And, as an application, we shall prove a minimax theorem. Finally, we shall give some examples of a two-person game where ...
摘要: We consider a linear differential game of N players described by a linear equation and establish a sufficient condition of the general form for the differential game guaranteeing the existence of a...关键词: Nash Equilibrium Cauchy Problem Generalize Control Differential Game Program Strategy ...
Zhou (1992): The Maximum Theorem and the Existence of Nash Equilibrium of (Generalized) Games without Lower Semicontinuity, Journal of Mathe- matical Analysis and Applications, 166, 351-364.Tian G., Zhou J.: The maximum theorem and the existence of Nash equilibrium of (generalized) games ...
Existence of Nash equilibrium in games with a measure space of players and discontinuous payoff functions Balder's model of games with a measure space of pl K Podczeck,G Carmona - 《Journal of Economic Theory》 被引量: 22发表: 2014年 A Note on the Existence of Nash Equilibrium in Games ...
Under the assumption that the domain of the undetermined parameters is known,the existence of strong Nash equilibrium for non-cooperative games is investigated.Combined the concept of strong Berge equilibrium and Pareto equilibrium with NS-equilibrium for non-cooperative games,the notions of Pareto stron...
摘要: Existence of Nash equilibrium is considered. The major strategic form equilibrium refinements are examined. Classical ?xed point theorems used in establishing existence of equilibrium are reviewed.关键词: retracts Nash equilibrium proper equilibrium xed point theorems persistent equilibrium perfect ...