Exim Bank Job Circular 2024. Management Trainee Circular has published. Exim Bank Assistant Officer, Trainee Assistant Officer job circular 2024. Exim Bank exam result. Export Import Bangladesh Bank is a top level commercial bank in finance sector. It is also full Islami banking system. Exim Bank...
Full particulars of the Directors and the Chief Executives should be furnished along with the applications. The Government reserves the right to verify the antecedents of the foreign collaborators and domestic promoters including their financial standing and credentials in the world market. Preference woul...
Our banking system needs to be further strengthened. To be in line with Basel-III norms there is a requirement to infuse र 2,40,000 crore as equity by 2018 in our banks. To meet this huge capital requirement we need to raise additional resources to fulfill this obligation. While ...
General Banking is the heart of Banking. Here money collection procedure occurs. Other services, like cherub encashment, account transfer; account closing, bills and remittance are provided here, so general banking section is the life blood in banking service. General banking activities of EXI...
1.1 Introduction:Bank is very old institution that is contributing toward the Development of any economy and is treated as an important service industry in the modern world. Economic history shows that development has started everywhere with the banking system and its contribution towards financial deve...
We will support NABARD for computerisation and integration of all 63,000 functional PACS with the Core Banking System of District Central Cooperative Banks. This will be done in 3 years at an estimated cost of ` 1,900 crores, with financial participation from State Governments. This will ensure...
To create a technology based most efficient banking environment for our customer. To ensure ethics and transparency in all levels. To ensure sustainable growth and establish full value of the honorable shareholders. To add effective contribution to the national economy. ...