17.4 Existing procedures contained in para 2.20A of Handbook of Procedures related to execution of bank guarantee / legal undertaking stands deleted. 17.5 In order to facilitate IT exports, we have extended the facility of ‘work from home’ to STPI / EOUs / BTPs / EHTPs. 18. Widening of...
Two bank accounts in each household are proposed to be opened which will also be eligible for credit. Long term financing for infrastructure has been a major constraint in encouraging larger private sector participation in this sector. On the asset side, banks will be encouraged to extend long ...
The capital receipts are loans raised by the Government from the public (these are termed as market loans), borrowings by the Government from the Reserve Bank of India and other parties through the sale of Treasury Bills, the loans received from foreign Governments and bodies, disinvestment ...
The World Bank, however, is more optimistic and has projected a GDP growth of 7% in 2016-17, 7.6% in 2017-18 and 7.8% in 2018-19. This pick up in our economy is premised upon our policy and determination to continue with economic reforms; increase in public investment in infrastructure...